Lotus Blossom School of Martial Arts was founded by Master Marshall Parnell in Utah, May of 2000. SInce that time Lotus Blossom Martial Arts has influenced 1000s of students, trained military and sports groups, competed and produced champions at the US Opens, PanAmerican championships, and 6 World championships in South Korea. LBSMA is dedicated to helping each student find their potential in life by developing their MInds (focus), Body’s (strength, speed, balance) and Spirit (willpower, confidence, calmness). By training in the methods of self defense, our goal is to develop Champions for the human race.
We teach two seperate martial arts at our school. The first is traditional Taekwondo. This is not to be confused by the more popular version of modern sport Taekwondo. The differences are profound. The goal of traditional Taekwondo is the mastery of oneself, the ability to defend oneself or loved ones, and the life long pursuit of maintaining…
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